The Prophet Conspiracy: The Next Step

By now, most of my friends and readers know that my forthcoming novel is called The Prophet Conspiracy.  It’s a terrorism thriller set in Israel.

What you don’t know is, I’ve entered this book into the Kindle Scout Program. What’s Kindle Scout, you ask? I’m glad you did. This is the short version:

Kindle Scout lets readers vote on which books should get published.

Authors submit their manuscripts. The audience votes. Amazon picks a few from among the top books to publish.

But Bowen, you ask, aren’t your books already published by Amazon?

Yes, in a way. My books are published through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing Program. They make the book available on Kindle, I’m responsible for everything else. I do all my own marketing and publicizing.

The Kindle Scout program, on the other hand, is like advancing to the next level. If I win, Amazon will pay for all the marketing and publicizing.

And that makes a world of difference. If you’ve followed my writing, you know that my books have done well so far. A couple have made it all the way to the top of Amazon’s bestseller lists. If they can do that well with just me doing the marketing on my own, imagine  what they can do with a larger budget behind them!

Beginning on September 23, I will be asking you to vote for The Prophet Conspiracy in the Kindle Scout program. To be honest, I’m going to ask over and over. Writing has been an amazing experience for me so far. This is my chance to take one more step up the ladder. I’ll be asking for your help.

It’s only because of you all that my books have had the success they’ve had so far. I can’t wait to see how much further things go when we work together on this next step!