Sixteen hours to go!

In sixteen hours, the Kickstarter campaign for Death of Secrets will come to an end. I am already overwhelmed by the level of support shown by my friends. If you still want to back the book, go to You can get a signed copy of the book as a reward, or more!

Once the novel goes to publication at the end of the month, I am prepared for anything. It could sell no more copies than the 40 people who are already backing it. In my dream world, it will sell millions of copies and I can become a professional novelist. More likely, of course, is somewhere in between. I trust God for the outcome. I know that He loves me, and that however many copies of the novel sell, he will use that for my good.

Whatever happens, I have already learned that I have Grade A friends who are willing to put their personal resources on the line to help me chase a dream. Thank you. Thank you all.