Integrating books one and two

So once Death of Secrets was launched and selling, the next challenge was picking out a manuscript to use next. I originally planned to use my fantasy novel. But then, scrolling through my hard drive filled with 20 years of trying to be a novelist, I happened upon a few incomplete chapters about a character I find absolutely fascinating. They were pretty infested with the old Bowen, but as I read them it became more and more apparent that I could salvage them.

The character is completely new, and not connected to Death of Secrets in any way. But it’s another political novel, and very incomplete. So Mike Vincent, D.W. Tilman, and other characters from Death of Secrets can pretty easily be integrated.

The most interesting possibility there is D.W. Tilman. In Death of Secrets, he’s a man whose political career was destroyed when a Presidential campaign he was working on needed a scapegoat for a scandal.

In Life of Secrets, we need one of the characters to be a Presidential campaign staffer who creates a minor scandal. This should be fun!