I’m looking for Beta Readers!

thriller terrorism conspiracy israel jerusalem archaeology
The cover of The Prophet Conspiracy

Regular readers may have heard by now, I have a new novel getting ready to come out. It’s called The Prophet Conspiracy. It’s a terrorism thriller set in Israel. To learn more about it, click here.

Would you like to read it for free?

I’m looking for volunteers to be beta readers for the new book. Beta readers are a huge help to me in the following ways:

1) Your feedback: I like to hear when you feel like a character does something unbelievable, or when a scene just doesn’t work, or any other criticisms you may have. These make a huge difference to me, and to the eventual success of the book.

2) Publicly posting honest reviews on Amazon.com. Reviews make a huge difference to customers considering whether to buy a book. Having many reviews gives the reader way more information from which to judge whether or not they want this book. Almost nothing my friends and regular readers can do will make as much of a difference in the sales of the book as leaving a review. If I can launch the book with 20 reviews, that’s a major, major step towards success. (Honest reviews means, post your real opinion. Don’t feel under any obligation to give positive reviews if that’s not what you believe.)

If you’re willing to do those two things, I will give you a free electronic copy of The Prophet Conspiracy to read before it comes out, along with helpful hints about how to put that electronic copy on your Kindle or iPad. You can read it at your leisure and, when the novel launches (most likely sometime in October) I will let you know to go online and leave an honest review.

If you want to be a beta reader, sign up below!