Death of Secrets – Amazon Bestseller!

Screenshot 2014-05-03 at 9.33.15 AMDeath of Secrets hit number one in Amazon’s list of political suspense thrillers!

The book was on free promotion through 11:59pm Wednesday night. Thanks to a listing in’s daily e-mail, the free promotion was wildly successful, with almost 40,000 downloads over the course of two days. The residual sales after the free promo ended much more than covered the cost of the bookbub promotion — indeed they’re still going on.

Those same residual sales were strong enough to boost it to the top of its category for a while this week. It’s still in the top ten as I write.

For a person strongly influenced by Tom Clancy in my youth, it’s pretty amazing to see my own work ranked above his.

I plan to fully analyze the cost/benefit of my investment in bookbub soon. I think it’ll be info that other indie authors want to know.