Book Review: Coventry 2091

Coventry 2091 was a really fun book with a prose style that moves you right along. It’s a well-thought out world. There’s always a little bit of “hand waving” in science fiction, but for the most part it’s clear the author thought about the details quite a bit. I recommend this highly.

I freely admit that I’m not as well-read in science fiction as I could be. Nevertheless, the “travel oaks” in this book were a fundamental sci fi mechanic I had never encountered before, and I credit the author with a lot of creativity for that. If I’m wrong and someone else invented it, that’s cool too, it was still a lot more unique than I’d seen anywhere else.

There are some similarities to Atlas Shrugged here, in a small group of people able to preserve technology in the face of a tyrannical regime.

Coventry 2091 is a very well thought out colonization novel with the most unique system of FTL travel I can ever remember having encountered. You should read it today!