Book Review: Oathbreaker

Oathbreaker is a dark fantasy written by A.J. Rettger, who I encountered on Twitter. I received a copy of the book at no charge in order to post a review.

Oathbreaker was a surprisingly fun read! I had been warned in advance that it contained strong language and pretty horrible events happening to or with the participation of the characters, so I came in afraid I might not like it. I was wrong! Plotting and characters kept the story moving along very quickly. The world building is good. I haven’t read a book that I finished so fast in a long time, I really appreciated how quickly the prose kept me flipping page after page. People should be aware before they start that a lot of very dark things go on in this world. Think of the HBO version of Game of Thrones without the attempt to make it softcore porn. Ergo, think of the original books of the Song of Ice and Fire series. I skimmed the strongest of those scenes in this book.

If you can handle, choose to read, or like dark fantasy, you should buy a copy of Oathbreaker. It’s a fast, enjoyable read.

Amazon’s Without Remorse

If you’ve read my first novel, Death of Secrets, then you know I’m a fan of Tom Clancy. I was about a sophomore in high school when The Hunt for Red October came out, and I fell in love with it almost from the first page. Finally someone who was as fascinated by the details of military hardware as I was! Over the years I read all of his books — back when it was still him writing them, before his name became little more than a brand.

But Without Remorse had a special place in my heart. It wasn’t a typical Clancy novel. Yes, there was a bit of Vietnam-era tech, but overall it didn’t focus nearly as much on ships, planes, and helicopters. The novel Without Remorse is about manhood. On its face it was the story of one man’s obsession with revenge, but in the course of creating John Kelly, Clancy created something of a masculine archtype. Kelly was strong, but violent only at need. He was protective of women, but not chauvinistic. He was hyper-competent at everything he did, but always humble.

I frequently tell women of my acquaintance, “Read Without Remorse. You will understand how ever many wants to see himself.”

Amazon’s version of the story left all that out. The surface level “Obsession with revenge” theme was all their was, and the work of literature that extolled the virtues of genuine honorable masculinity was completely set aside.

It was a good action movie. I had fun. Kelly — in Amazon’s telling — is badass, and I would watch the movie again. Stronger in the first half than the second it’s still just a fun action show.

Yes, it’s a bit woke, but not in a way that bothers me. That wasn’t my chief complaint. All the meaning that made Tom Clancy’s novel the greatest of his works is not just gone. It was never there to begin with.

Every genius has flaws. Among Clancy’s was that, in his later years, he fell too much in love with his characters. The stories became more about a reunion with old friends, and less about the richly-researched details and the complex, multi-POV plot. Amazon’s Without Remorse ends on that note, with a somewhat smarmy lead in to the Rainbow 6 universe. I guess Amazon has the rights now, and intends to milk it for all it’s worth.

If you like action movies, watch Without Remorse on Amazon prime. You’ll like it. But if you want to ponder the truth of manhood, and study what it means to have been created the stronger vessel, read Tom Clancy’s novel of the same name.

Review of Darkness Enthroned by Stephen Zimmer

Darkness Enthroned by Stephen Zimmer scared the daylights out of me with its suspense! Don’t read this at night, it might be a bit too frightening.

A tale of sword and sorcery, it introduces us to a tribe of warriors called the Sarvans, tracking their enemies the Attuns. With the Sarvans is Rayden, a female warrior not of their tribe, but traveling with them. The pursuit of their foes leads to dark magic of a kind they never expected. Rayden and her fellow travelers will be lucky if they escape with their lives.

Delightfully free of profanity or explicit sex, Darkness Enthroned does tell a story about frightening dark magic, so some readers may want to step lightly. But overall this is a treat for lovers of clean fiction and a great story to boot. The suspense of this short, quick read will keep you turning pages until the very last one.

Click here to get your copy today!

Visit Stephen Zimmer’s website to learn more.

And if you like fantasy and science fiction, check out my own upcoming Exile War universe!

Extraordinary World Building

The Wolf's Pawn (Sajani Tales Book 1) by [Chaaya Chandra]Hurry up and read The Wolf’s Pawn (Sajani Tales Book 1) by Chaaya Chandra I just submitted a review on Amazon, and if you’ve paid attention to any of my ranting, you know that comparisons to the Immortal Clancy are not something I hand out lightly:

The worldbuilding in The Wolf’s Pawn sucks you in and keeps you turning the pages. The politics are interesting, the intrigue is suspenseful, and the characters feel like real human beings — even though they’re wolves. The technologically superior elves invade the Vykati, resulting in a privateer/guerilla war. It reads a bit like Clear and Present Danger and a bit like Red Storm Rising, all while being high fantasy.

Intro to Self Publishing

This is my attempt to provide a roadmap to building a following as an indie author. I am by no means an expert. I still need a day job, so take all this with a grain of salt. Or a pinch. Or the whole shaker.

This is not original to me, dozens of people write books on it and sell online courses on it. I’m just going to type down my own thoughts on it.

The bad news is, it’s not a get rich quick scheme. The only road I know of to anything like success at self publishing is long term. It’s writing book after book after book and slowly, over time, increasing the number of people who want to buy them.

The good news is, this formula definitely can work. Many far more successful writers than me use it.

Here’s what we’re going to cover:

Build an email list of subscribers/customers. Keep growing it over time. Send emails to this list to sell your new books when they come out.

Get your cover, blurb, and reviews to the state where people who land on your books pages will actually download them.

Give books away for free. Use free days and create a book or books that are permafree.

Promote those free books through paid promo sites or social media to send new potential readers to those free book pages.

If your cover, blurb, and reviews are good, many will download the free book.

If your writing is good, some will finish the book and sign up for the email list to get more. Some of those will buy your other books that aren’t free.

Let’s dig in!

Before You Publish

You may already have published. That’s probably OK. A lot of this can be done retroactively after you’ve published. Some will take more work to do retroactively, but… we’ll get to that.

So, before you publish your book, first, create an email list. Pick the mass email service that’s best for you. I use Mailchimp, and they have a limited free plan, but there are many others. Add whoever you can to the email list. Your friends who are willing to hear about your books. Your family.

(If you’ve already published, just go ahead and create the email list now.)

Second, put the link to your email list signup form at the end of your book.

“Did you enjoy this book? Sign up here for updates about my next one!” 

You want this to be the very next thing the reader sees after they read “The End.” They’re happy, they liked your protagonist, they want to know more, and boom, the very next thing offers them more. All they have to do is give you their email address.

If your manuscript is already published, You can update your local file with this link and re-upload it.

Third: do a paperback manuscript too. I find that I sell close to zero paperbacks, but they’re valuable as a sales tool. They make it look like, “Hey, this paperback costs $15, but if I buy the e-book it’s only $2.99. Look how much I’m saving!”

Fourth: Write a series. It’s just so much easier to get people to buy the second book when they already know the characters and the world.

Now: a couple of pieces of advice that are going to cause a bit more controversy.

You need a book cover before you publish. The best advice I can possibly give you is to pay money for a professional cover.

(NB: Do as I say, not as I do. My Sherman Iron Mysteries have covers I made myself. I broke the rules deliberately for a specific reason. Don’t you do it. Pay money for a professional cover.)

This is why I recommend a professional cover designer: books absolutely do get judged by their cover, and it happens in less than two seconds. Sucky cover = sucky sales. If your cover is bad, people will get to your book page on Amazon and leave immediately without buying.

Next controversial advice:

I suggest going exclusive to Amazon at first. The reasons for this are:

1) Having your book exclusive to Amazon gives you free promotion days you can use to grow your email list. Five days per quarter, you can make the Kindle version of your book free. I’ll talk about why it’s a good idea to make your book temporarily free a bit further on in this document.

2) Having your book exclusive to Amazon means your book is in the Kindle Unlimited program. KU, as it’s called, is where readers pay Amazon $12/month to read all the books they can get through. If you’re exclusive to Amazon, one of the books they can choose from is yours, and you get paid a certain rate per page read.

3) Amazon has 80-some percent of the e-book market. Yes, being exclusive to Amazon means you can’t reach that other 20 percent. But to reach that 20 percent, you’re going to need powerful marketing, and you don’t have that yet or you wouldn’t be reading this guide. You can go to Apple and Kobo once you’re up and running. To get started, Amazon exclusivity gives you marketing tools you really need when just starting out.

If you’ve already published your book on all platforms, or if you’ve already published many books on all platforms, then all the stuff about using free days to build subscribers isn’t going to work for you. But keep an eye on the part about making books permafree.

There is one more “before you’ve published” step. I recommend a professional editor almost as highly as I recommend a professional cover designer. A lot of indie authors can’t afford this because they’re pretty expensive for a novel-length manuscript. I write a little bit below on ideas to come up with the money for it. But if it is anywhere at all within your means, a professional editor is one of the two most powerful expenditures you can make on behalf of your book.

Right now you’re probably thinking, “Yeah, I’ll just do my own editing, get grammarly, and have some beta readers. I don’t need to hire a professional editor.

If that’s all your financial situation will permit, then it is what it is. But there is a very specific reason why I recommend a professional editor if it’s at all possible, and you’ll see it below in the section on reviews.

After You’ve Published

Get your book on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats.

Email your subscribers that the book is now for sale. Then, email your subscribers on a regular basis. Let them know where you’re at as far as progress on the the next book, and other personal tidbits. These are customers. Just like regulars at a restaurant, they are more likely to keep coming back if you invest in the relationship. Talk to them. Share from your life.

Every time you mail those friends and family you put on your initial email list, beg them for reviews. Beg. 

How many reviews you have, and how many stars the reviews rate your book, are almost as powerful as the book cover. 100 5-star reviews? I might buy. 10 reviews and half of them are two star? Probably not going to buy. Reviews sell books. Number of reviews and high star rating are absolutely essential to sales. 

So have no shame. Beg. Plead. Demand. Everyone who tells you they’ve read your book, congratulates you on having published a book, or asks about what it was like to get it published, tell them: Reviews are a huge help, would you please write one.

There are two selling tools that matter more than anything else on Amazon. These two things alone sell more books for you than everything else you can do on your book page. Book cover and reviews. I already made my pitch about a professional book cover.

Here’s my pitch about hiring a professional editor: Mistakes, typos, bad grammar —> bad reviews. It’s direct, inevitable, and instantaneous. Readers will quit out of a book to leave a bad review for it if they hit enough typos. A professional editor is the first step to good reviews. If your editing is bad, no matter how many people you get to buy your book, each sale will be reducing the odds of future sales, because people are leaving bad reviews after they read “your” instead of “you’re.”

If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. But if you go without, it’s like going onto a medieval battlefield without armor. If everything goes right, you might still win, but it would be a whole lot easier with some chain mail.

Create a second book. At the back of it, include not only the email signup link, but also a link to buy your first book.

Email your list and let them know the new book is out.

Go back into the manuscript of the first book. In addition to the email signup link, add an excerpt — 2000 words, 5000, 10,000, whatever — from your second book, and following that excerpt a link to buy it. Re-upload to Amazon.

Continue emailing your subscribers regularly. Always be asking your email subscribers for reviews. Continue regularly using free days for all books, and promoting them for free on social media.

This is the basic theory: Your email list is how you sell your expensive books. Your marketing is how you give away your free books. And your free books are how you get people on your email list so you can sell them expensive books. It’s like the circle of life. Someone call Simba.

Shampoo, rinse, and repeat for a long time, and prepare yourself for…

Leveling Up

There are some huge steps we’re going to take here that may be mentally challenging.

The first is to create some content that people get for free whenever they sign up for your email list. The obvious choice here is a book or short story, but other things can work. 

The idea is, they get to the end of your novel, they loved it, they loved the characters, they want more, and there’s that link we did earlier inviting them to sign up for your email list to hear when the next book is due. But now, instead, that same link says, “Get an absolutely FREE short story set in my universe right now by signing up for my email list.”

That’s more attractive than merely the subscribe link. You should begin to get a larger percentage of people who read your book converting into email subscribers.

The next step is making one of your books permanently free. “Permafree” is slang you’ll hear all the time in the indie author community.

Amazon won’t let you do this. Their minimum price is 99 cents. The trick is, they WILL do it if your book is free on other book buying sites. So we’re going to take one of your books “wide.” In other words, publish it on many book publishing sites, not just Amazon as I advised before you publish.

Go to, go through their entire publishing process, and especially include the steps they require for them to distribute your book to Kobo, Nook, Apple, etc. This can be somewhat challenging, but you can do it! 

Set the price to $0.00. Once you’ve gotten through all this successfully, your book is now $0.99 on Amazon, but $0.00 everywhere else. Amazon will want to fix this. Have someone you know go to your book page on Amazon and use the link to report a lower price. Give it a few days, and your book will be free on Amazon. 

Now, you’ve got a free book on Amazon, and it’s always free. The next quest in Level 2 of the Self Pub RPG is…

The dreaded boss fight…

Spend money to promote your free days and free book.

Ack! Spend money? But I’m broke! I’m writing because I need money, not because I have it to spend on promotions.

I know, I know. I’ve been there. I would still be there if I didn’t have a great day job to help fund my writing. And at the end of this essay, I’ll make a suggestion or two about how to get some money for this. But first, let’s cover the subject itself.

I already mentioned, email subscribers are the key to selling books for money. And by this stage of the process, maybe you’ve got a hundred, maybe a thousand, whatever. But there are people out there who have hundreds of thousands, in some cases even millions of email subscribers. And for a fee, they will email their subscribers about your book.

The biggest names in this business are Freebooksy, Fussy Librarian, and… drumroll please… ominous music plays… the 900 pound gorilla in the room, BookBub. Trust me: start with Fussy and Freebooksy.

So you buy a $50 promotion on the Fussy Librarian for your free book, they email all their hundreds of thousands of subscribers, your book gets a ton more free downloads than you’ve ever had before, some of those actually read, and some subscribe. A few may buy some of your other books. You probably don’t make the $50 back on those other book sales, but you probably do make some of it back, and you get something that may be worth more money in the long run: new email subscribers!

A Note About Making Your Books Free

I’ve said a lot about free promotion days on Amazon, and making books permafree. You may be asking something like this:

“What? Free? My book is a masterpiece! It’s worth $30 a copy just like James Patterson gets!”

I know. I feel the same. But James Patterson doesn’t get $30 per copy because his writing is good (far from it, imho). He gets $30 per copy because everyone has heard of him and knows exactly what they’re getting when they buy a book with that name on it. No one has heard of me. No one has heard of you. So we don’t get $30 per copy, and have to resort to giving the book away for free to build awareness.

More importantly, free promotions can get you something that, in the long run, can be more valuable than the $2.99 you might have gotten for your book if it weren’t free.

Email subscribers! Email subscribers are the heart and soul of selling indie e-books. 

So use your five free days per quarter that you get for being exclusive to Amazon. When it’s free, Facebook it. Twitter the heck out of it. Hashtag like crazy. Let the good people of Parler know.

Conversion rates are small. Not everyone who actually finds your free book’s page in Amazon will download. Not everyone who downloads will open. Not everyone who opens will finish. But when they do finish, they probably liked it. Those are the ones you want on your email list.

A Note About Paid Promotional Sites

There are several that actually do deliver decent results, but the newbie level of this is Freebooksy and Fussy Librarian. Be confident that you know what you’re doing before going to any other book promotion site.

I know there are many authors who make Amazon ads work for them. I’ve never been any good at it, so I don’t have any useful advice to give. 

I’ve never had even a little bit of luck with buying ads anywhere for a full price book. It has to be free or $0.99 to have any chance at all of the paid promotion / ad achieving any results.

Facebook can be useful once you have confidence in your book marketing, but I don’t recommend it while you’re learning.

The best time for paid book promotions is after you have 3 books and some free email subscriber giveaway content. That’s when your odds of recouping your investment become decent.

You might not be able to afford paid promotion sites. I’ll be honest, this gets a lot harder when you can’t afford paid promotions.

The main substitute is to chase social media followers as hard as you can. Hashtagging on Twitter. Asking people to share on Facebook. Ugh. It’s a long slog, and every day Facebook makes it harder and harder to promote for free on their site. If this is all you can do, pour your heart into it, because it sure won’t work if you don’t give it maximum effort.

Another free substitute for paid promos is asking other writers you know if they’ll do email swaps with you. You send an email to your subscribers about their free book; they send an email to their subscribers about your free book. It exposes you to some new customers in the same way Freebooksy or Fussy do, but at much smaller numbers.

Building on Your Foundation

Congratulations. You’ve mastered the basics of this system. Level 3 is about refinement.

Are your book covers the best they could possibly be? Do they clearly communicate the genre you’re writing in? Do they catch the eye? Especially the permafree book, is its cover eye catching and selling? 

I want to be clear about this: The entire theory of book marketing I’ve outlined here depends on three things: Cover, Reviews, and Blurb. Once people get to your page on Amazon, they have to decide whether or not to buy (or download for free). The three biggest factors in that decision are, in order of importance, cover, reviews, and blurb. 

We’re writers. We can probably do the blurbs ourselves. But the cover, if you’re not a professional graphic designer or artist, then you should be spending money on this. Get the cover right. It’s the only way people will actually buy/download for free a copy of your book.

Are the books themselves the best they can be, especially the free book? Have any reviews pointed out typos?

  1. Polish your manuscript up and re-upload it to Amazon (and smashwords, if it’s the free one. Remember, the entire purpose of your free book is that people will be so delighted they’ll buy the next one and sign up for your list.
  2. Get a better cover if you can. Cover is the most powerful selling tool you have. And, for this step, we have to go to …

Startup Cash

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform to help creative products get off the ground. A quick outline of how it works is, you create a budget for how much you need to launch your creative project, and you invite people to “invest” in the project at certain levels. Each level has a prize they get for investing. 

Kickstarter doesn’t like us to say it this way (or at least they didn’t. It’s been years since I did this) but we use it, in effect, as a pre-order platform. People give you money *before* the book is out, and once the book comes out you give them their reward for investing at that level.

So for self published authors, create a budget. Here’s a quick and dirty thumbnail sketch of how I would do it if it was me:

$400 for professional editing

$400 for professional cover

$1000 for marketing

$1800 in total.

Now, set one investment level of $40, and for it, people get a signed copy of your book.

Get creative with some other investment levels. When I did it, I had one where people could be named on a page in the book, one where people could name a character… etc.

Get two people to kick in $100 each to be named in the book, then get 40 people to essentially pre-order signed paperbacks, and you’ve got your marketing budget funded.

But the thing about Kickstarter is, you get no money, and your investors are not charged, unless the entire stated budget is funded. It’s a balancing act. If you don’t think you can get $1800 from your friends and family and other potential early investors, make the budget lower. You can get covers for cheaper than $400. You can cut the marketing budget back as far as you need to, but be aware that less marketing = less sales.

If you think your potential circle of early buyers can reach a higher number than $1800, go for it. Add the excess into marketing.

Some people don’t like this Kickstarter thing, because it is, essentially, asking your friends and family for money to start a business. But then again, you’re going to do that anyway once your book is out. I say try it this way.


As an unknown writer, your challenge is that no one has heard of you. How do we slowly fix that? There are about ten million indie e-books on Amazon’s Kindle store. How is anyone going to discover yours? 

The answer is to build your own email list of customers so you can make sure they do discover each new book you write.

Get your cover, blurb, and reviews to the state where people who land on your books’ pages will actually download them.

Use free days and create a book or books that are permafree.

Spend money with respectable promotion sites to send new potential readers to those free book pages

If your cover, blurb, and reviews are good, many will download the free book.

If your writing is good, some will finish the book and sign up for the email list to get the free story.

And if that’s good, they’ll buy your other books that aren’t free. 

Keep at it. This is hard and it takes a long time. There’s no shame in having a day job.

Be systemic about it. Track your spending on promotions.

There are going to be long days when it feels like you’re doing all this work and getting nothing. But if you believe in your writing and keep working hard, it’s definitely possible to slowly grow your readers list.

Book Review: Not Gonna Die in the Dark

I read and reviewed Not Gonna Die in the Dark by Adam Archer, and I recommend it to you very highly!

The main character really pulls you into this story. Suspenseful scenes keep you turning pages. It’s very well written too. Make sure to read the excerpt from the next book at the end, it gives you some info about Maggie’s situation that you, if you’re anything like me, have probably been hoping for.

It’s the story of a girl in high school who’s in the process of emancipating herself from a disinterested father when she’s attacked by a mysterious stranger. Scary things start happening to Maggie, and there’s a whole series after this free series starter for you to learn about them.

Sneak Peek at Iron 3

This is the unedited, raw manuscript of the opening scene of the third Sherman Iron mystery. I’ve been stuck on this for a long time, and I hope by letting my friends and readers have a look at it, I can mobilize myself to finish the story.  Remember: Unedited! Have mercy about the typos, they’ll get cleaned up long before it’s published. The cover and the “Forging Iron” title are also tentative.


The County Clerk and Recorder had a service dog, and it was a real struggle for me not to pet it. He was a golden retriever with a sleek, freshly-brushed coat, giving every impression of being asleep right next to me. If I could just scratch between those ears and whisper “who’s a good boy,” everything would be right with the world. I could feel it all the way to my bones. 

Alas, it’s kind of a faux pas to distract a blind person’s guide animal, so I used my hands for taking notes instead. It was, after all, my job.

I’m Sherman Iron, I’m a reporter for the Hunter Post.

Tall, skinny, and entirely-too-light-haired for my own liking, I wore my jeans and hiking boots almost everywhere, including to the County Commission’s public hearing on zoning issues that evening. But in a change from my old addiction to T-shirts, I wore an oversize red and black flannel shirt, untucked, hanging loose and far past my belt.

The reason for that was riding in an inside-the-waistband holster on my right hip. The loose plaid lumberjack shirt concealed a revolver.

I covered the crime beat. Murders, burglaries, casino robberies — these were my stock in trade. With the tide of illegal drugs rising higher every day, the job got more dangerous all the time. Last summer I’d had to use an ancient over-under hunting shotgun as my only weapon against thugs carrying 9mm submachine guns, and I had vowed to change that. So a new acquisition nestled secure and invisible under my big wool shirt.

I liked my job. I liked cops. I particularly liked the prosecuting attorney. I liked writing about crime.

Politics? That I did not like. But tonight I had no choice. My colleague whose job it was had called in sick.

The Hunter Post had a guy who wrote government and election stories. He covered the Congressman and the Senators every time they came through town. He wrote up local races. He had all the big deal connections in both parties, and could get his call answered if he dialed the Governor’s cellphone.

He also had pneumonia. So my new city editor told me it was now my job, at least for the next week. My ill colleague dropped into my lap a brand new story about money in politics, a tip about the first question to ask, and a wish for good luck before he exhausted his energy and fell back asleep. 

Thus, cell phone in hand, voice recording app launched, I left behind Rhonda Comings the Clerk and Recorder and her eminently huggable golden, and made my way to the front of the room as soon as the meeting ended.

With Halloween coming up and an election not long after, autumn had seized firm control of the local weather. The forced air heating of the county courthouse dried things out so thoroughly I was afraid if I blinked, my eyelids would stick to my eyes. Outside, yellow leaves reflected the streetlights back into the fourth-floor windows.

A gently curved head table dominated the front of the room. Rows of cheap audience seats stretched from it to the back wall. A podium and microphone stand poked up in the middle of the table’s arch, like a baby tree in the middle of a freshly-mown lawn. Members of the public and county employees who came to report to the commissioners were supposed to speak from there.

An unassuming, stain resistant berber carpet impressed no one but didn’t distract. Behind that curved table were three leather executive chairs that looked like each of them cost more than everything I owned, including that brand new handgun, which was not cheap. It seemed to me like someone spent the entire facilities budget on their chairs, and forgot about the people who’d have to attend meetings.

One of those chair-lovers scurried for the back door as I approached, but I caught him before he could get away. The classic monk’s fringe of silvery hair made a kind of halo of seniority around his head, while deep furrows crisscrossed his face like the famous canals of Mars. Spectacles slid down almost to the edge of his nose and distorted the sides of his eyes through their coke bottle lenses. A smartwatch poked out from under the sleeve of his jacket; the sportcoat and khaki slacks came from Wal-Mart; I knew because I had passed by the same choices when I went to buy my new flannel button-downs.

My disease-ridden colleague had told me what question to ask first, so I popped it out right up front.

“Commissioner, is it true you spent a hundred thousand dollars of your own money on your re-election campaign?”

His eyes widened a bit, and he eased backward, crossing his arms over his chest as he did, making the cheap jacket bunch up a bit. The corners of his mouth settled down like the foundation of a cheap house.

“That’s entirely legal under the campaign finance laws.” 

Ole the political reporter had been right. Springing that on him out of nowhere caught him off guard.

“I know, Commissioner, it’s just a lot of dead presidents. I’m curious why.”

Commissioner Ambrose Pryor had recovered his verbal balance. When I asked him about the money, I apparently caught him off guard, and his defensive response about campaign finance rules reflected it. Now, he threw me some spin to try to recover.

“You can’t put a value on serving the people of Hunter County. I’ve invited Montanans to invest in my campaign, and they have. It wouldn’t be right for me to ask others to chip in if I wasn’t willing to bear as much of the burden as possible myself.”

I dutifully made a note of his answer, then, “What are you planning to do with the money?”

“I’m running for re-election because I have a vision for our community. Communicating that vision to the people is the heart of running for office.”

“So, TV ads then?”

“Our campaign plan calls for a diverse spectrum of markets.”

I nodded, noted it down, and thought, TV, in other words.My sometime-semi-friend Gil Farshaw’s job was safe at least. He had been promoted from “weather guy with occasional news duties” to a full time real reporter. A hundred thousand bucks to his station ought to keep him paid for at least a little while. Heck, with what they paid local reporters these days, Commissioner Pryor’s hundred grand might just be paying Gil’s salary for years.

That could have been enough for a story. This wasn’t my beat, I was just filling in for a colleague. And I didn’t care about politics, except for my girlfriend’s re-election campaign. 

But something was bothering me.

Commissioner Pryor bought his clothes at the big box discount store same as me. As one of three elected Commissioners for Hunter County, he drew an annual salary of $65,000 per year. Not bad… way better than a reporter makes. But how could he afford to part with more than a year’s salary?

Investment-wise, it penciled out. Six years as county commissioner multiplied by 65K was almost 400 grand. For him to spend one hundred grand to win four hundred grand definitely worked in terms of profit and loss.

But did he really have it to spare? And if he did, why was he buying “George” brand made-in-China sportcoats?

Curious, I made a small wager with myself.

The county courthouse had a parking garage right next door, and I was willing to bet that the Commissioners had reserved spots there. I left the commission’s public hearing on zoning behind, rode the elevator down to the first floor, resisted the temptation to stop in at the County Attorney’s office, and walked through the bitter October air to the parking garage. The open cement half-walls offered almost no protection from the wind. Cold I may have been, but I also won my bet. The first 10 spaces in the garage were all marked reserved, and the third one in particular bore a sign that said, “Commissioner Ambrose Pryor.”

Parked in it was a no-longer-white 1999 Ford pickup, rust all over the bumper, front fender painted in gray body primer rather than the same color as the rest of the vehicle. I looked through the window. Striped fabric seat covers failed to hide massive rips in the seat. Fast food wrappers littered the floor.

A faded, green hardbound book with no title, that looked a bit like an accountant’s ledger occupied the passenger seat. While there was no title, someone had scratched a word on the front cover with a knife. I couldn’t read it through the glass in the dimly lit garage, though.

But I didn’t need to know about his reading material to answer my own question: Pryor wore cheap clothes and drove a broken down ancient clunker. If he had a hundred thousand bucks to spend, why not spend some of it fixing this junkheap up.

I had one last item to check, but I needed a computer to do it. I headed out on the windy fall streets of my home town, watching golden leaves drift to the sidewalk in streetlamp haloes. The moon over the Rockies lit my path back to the Hunter Post.

My paper lived in a white and brown pebbled concrete building downtown bought and, fortunately, paid for back in the days when local dailies used to get fat on ads, literally and figuratively. Corporate was always talking about selling this building and making us rent space in a minimall, but thank goodness so far the rents on minimall space were too high to fit the budget.

At this hour, the front doors were closed. Entering through the employees-only entrance on the side, I left behind the chilly almost-winter evening, strolled across the newsroom to my desk and sat down to turn on the computer. Moments later, I was looking at the county treasurer’s property tax records, where I found the residence address for one Pryor, Ambrose.

Armed with the address, Maps Street View gave me a look at the house. Paint peeled off the faded wood, helped along by the winter air. A rain gutter had pulled away from the roof. The chain link fence to the back yard sagged and was pulling away from its frame in places.

It didn’t take an ace investigative reporter to reach the obvious conclusion. Ambrose Pryor couldn’t spare a hundred thousand bucks.

So where did it come from?

That question could wait. I had a story to file before deadline, and we can’t just randomly speculate about people’s financial health in the paper. I would need proof before I could do that, and it wasn’t going to come in before the morning edition.

I led with the “That’s perfectly legal” quote because it sounded defensive and gave the impression he had something to hide. His smoother lines, I tucked in at the back. Political talking points aren’t news, but sometimes honesty is. I clicked submit on the content management system, and my 600 words went winging off to the editor to prove that I had done as I’d been told.

Then, my job technically done, I put my feet up on the desk, put my hands behind my head, and let my mind go back to the question I’d been asking since I talked to him. How could Ambrose Pryor afford a hundred thousand bucks?

The picture of his house on Street View wasn’t necessarily 100 percent reliable. I’d have to go out there in person at some point, if I decided I cared enough about this story to work harder. But his truck? That I’d seen with my own eyes, and it was a piece of junk. You didn’t need a green accountant’s ledger on the seat to know that…

My train of thought stopped in its tracks.

All the hair on my arms stood up, followed by goosebumps. A profanity tumbled out of my lips, gravel out the back of an overfull dump truck.

The ledger!

At once I was out of my seat, pushing the employee door open and heading for the county courthouse. The night wind nipped at my cheeks, and I knew Montana weather well enough to know snow lay in our future, but at that moment I didn’t care. I walked as briskly as I could back to the parking garage next door to the Hunter County courthouse, but I was too late.

Pryor’s pickup was gone.

With it went my chance to take a look at that hardbound green volume with no printed title but a word carved into the cover with a knife.

Which was too bad, because I was pretty sure I knew what the word was.

I had seen that green book before, but not for almost fifteen years.

It belonged to my father.

And the word on the front was “Sherman.”


Like it? You can get the audiobook of Irons in the Fire, the first Sherman Iron mystery here on Amazon, here on Audible, and here on Apple.

You can get the e-book version of Irons in the Fire here, and the e-book version of Iron Law here.

Do you have any thoughts at all? Hit that contact form!

Christian and fantasy poetry

Like many a writer, I occasionally dabble in poetry. Alas that my efforts generally earn the famous “negative score on the Pritchard scale.” (80’s trivia points if you got that).

Today I had the opportunity to review the work of a poet who scores much higher in both how important her poems are, and how artfully they have been rendered.

Across the Miles by Annie Douglass Lima is worthy of your time if you like poetry, like Fantasy (especially Tolkien) or love Jesus. It starts imperfectly, but “Minaret” and “God’s Metronome” soon show you there’s a poet at work. The last stanza of “Hsi Tou” is impressive. Some powerful emotions are evoked in many of the poems. Even imperfect poems usually have a stanza or two that work very well. There’s quite a bit of direct Tolkien inspiration, which is fun for any lover of Fantasy. Sometimes even the poems that aren’t supposed to, still make you feel like you’re in Middle Earth.

Check it out here.

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Work in Progress

I wanted to give my friends and readers a look at my current work in progress. Just pulling a number out of my ear, I’d say it’s about 25% finished right now. Tentatively, I’m thinking about “Iron’s in the Fire” as a title, with the idea that it could be the first in a series with titles based on common sayings about Iron (Cold as Iron, Ironclad, Iron Maiden, etc.)  The hero, as you may have guessed, is named Sherman Iron…


“We’ve been out here for an hour. Nobody’s home. Let’s do this.”

I sat in the van, with its tinted windows and uncomfortable bench seats, peering at the house across the street. The woman of the house had left about 74 minutes ago, climbing into her Toyota Camry and motoring away. The lights had been off ever since. The couple’s children had gone away to college years ago. 

The husband’s car was gone.

“Are you sure about this? It’s breaking and entering.”

“I know. And no, Sherman, I’m not any more sure than you are. But we talked about this. If it’s true he’s got actual documentation in there, we’ve got the story of the decade. And we’ll be busting a corrupt judge and helping get a drug dealer off the streets. And we might find out who killed my little girl. Any one of those is worth it on its own. Together? Let’s go. Or let’s drive away. If we’re not going to do this, staying here is a waste of time. But either way, we’ve waited long enough.”

The speaker was Everett Talbot, my fellow reporter at the Hunter Post. His shaggy mane of gray hair and his craggy, wrinkled face made him look like an ancient lion who’d lain too long in the Savannah sun. He spit a sunflower seed shell out the window and pressed the resealable bag back together.

And the ‘Sherman’ to whom he referred? That’s me, Sherman Iron. Like Ev, I was a reporter at the Post. Unlike Ev, my hair was blond and short around the sides in a businesslike style. I had a long way to go before I picked up laugh lines and crows’ feet, let alone Ev’s collection of deep furrows. If he was the lion then I, as the ancient reporter terminology went, was the cub.

Fresh out of J school, I took a night shift job at the Hunter post, the daily newspaper in my state’s second-largest city. But the second largest city in Montana would barely qualify for hamlet status compared to the coastal metroplexes, so the town newspaper wasn’t exactly swimming in cash or overflowing at the news desk. 

Ev popped open the passenger-side door of the van.


With a sigh and a silent farewell to my once promising career, I followed my mentor into the black hours of the winter night, questioning my sanity the whole way.

I had wanted to dress in all black, since we were committing our erstwhile crime in the black of night. But Ev said wearing black was actually not that good for nighttime concealment. He proposed a different plan.

We’d ordered a magnet car door sign from a printing company that said “Mitchell Plumbing.” We both wore coveralls with the same logo on them, and bulky tool belts with wrenches and pliers hanging from them. A foreign world to me, but Ev made a good point: 

When the toilet backs up, people don’t wait for business hours to call a plumber.

So dressed like we were prepared to wade through a flooding bathroom, the two of us strolled calmly across the street, right up to Judge Harris Whalen’s front door.

Or at least, Ev strolled calmly. My head twitched back and forth like a smellhound on the trail of twenty different deer. I felt like eyes must be watching us from every direction on the street. I kept thinking that, if only I could look quickly enough, I might catch the neighbor’s curtain pulled slightly back, and eyes peeping out from within.

No such luck. Or rather, all the luck. No one looking seemed by far the luckier outcome, and I never saw a single eye on us. That didn’t keep the sweat from popping out of my forehead, or my heart from trying to climb into my throat. But it did keep us from getting arrested.

For now.

Ev had taken a wild, insane chance while we were covering the trial last week. When the court was in recess, Ev happened to see the Judge’s phone sitting on his bench right before we, along with the rest of the crowd, cleared the room. He had time to tap the judge’s birthday into the unlock screen, and it worked! Which was almost as miraculous as the fact that no one caught him doing it.

Armed with that knowledge, we tried putting the Judge’s birthday into his smart car door, and that worked too.

Based on that, we deduced that Judge Whalen, 68, was the kind of man who used the same password for every web site, and the same pin for every device. So as we — “calmly” — walked up to his front door, we were betting that his birthday would open the smart lock, and we’d be able to stroll in just like any plumbers called in for  midnight sewage emergency.

“This is an awful big gamble, Ev,” I whispered.

Instead of replying, the older reporter simply knocked on the door. To my ears, each rap of his knuckles sounded like claps of thunder.

“Are you crazy? What if a neighbor hears?”

“Then we just made ourselves look more legitimate. It’s good if someone hears that we knocked.”

“But what if someone answers the knock?”

“Even better. Then we definitely don’t want to break in.”

But after a minute, no one had answered. From within the darkened house, a cloud of silence billowed out, stifling my breath.

Ev reached for the smart lock’s keypad.

“We can still back out,” I whispered, with more than a little hope in my voice.

Instead of replying, he tapped in the Judge’s birthday — 090952.

An electronic click, a heavy series of sliding and thunking noises, and the door was open. Ev turned the handle. Two steps for him, two steps for me, and we were criminals.

I stood inside Judge Whalen’s house, knowing that simply drawing breath there could put me in his courtroom.

“This is insane,” I hissed. I felt like the fact of having committed a felony was clouding out all the rest of my mind. I couldn’t think about anything else except being led away in handcuffs.

“So is staying here any longer than we have to,” the older man replied. “Come on, Sherm! Let’s finish this.”

“Serious, Ev, I’m not sure I can go through with this. This is breaking and entering.”

“Sherman, you know he let Lawson off the hook. You know it was entirely his ruling that kept that evidence inadmissible. You know he was bribed. You know Lawson is going to keep selling meth as long as no one stops him. And you know as long as Judge Harris Whalen is trying all the drug cases in this district, no one is going to stop him.”

We’d been through all that in the newsroom, back when we were still law-abiding citizens. The logic made perfect sense. The cops wouldn’t gamble on accusing a judge unless they had rock solid evidence, because if they ticked him off it could mess up every single prosecution they had moving through the system. We had a reliable source who said that very rock solid evidence could be found in the judge’s home.

We had a plan to get it.

It’s just that now, as the plan reached the stage that we had always known was the most dangerous, Ev Talbot had more courage than me.

Reluctantly, I followed him into the house.

“You take the master bedroom on the second floor. I’ll start in one of the kids rooms. Don’t trash the place like in the movies. But look for hiding places.”

I followed him up the stairs, and over his shoulder my mentor reminded me, “Don’t just skim, Iron. Don’t rush it. If we do a half-assed job, we’re risking our careers and our freedom for nothing. Search hard.”

I walked into the Judge’s master bedroom and just stood there staring for a moment. What was I supposed to do? Search thoroughly but don’t trash the place? The two were not compatible.

A few paintings hung on the walls. I didn’t recognize any of the artists. One by one I eased them away from the wall to check for hidden safes behind them, or whatever a hiding place might look like. I found a briefcase in the closet. I put the same birthday into the combination lock, and it opened. Nothing that looked like evidence of accepting bribes.

Behind the bed’s headboard. Behind the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. In the toilet tank. Nothing.

I emerged from the master, and Everett had already started on the second bedroom. So I went down the stairs and applied the same techniques to the living room. I shifted furniture to look under it, then carefully shifted it back. I checked behind framed artwork and behind the TV. 

I froze when I heard a car engine start down the block, and didn’t move again until my heart rate came back down to a manageable level.

While I was standing there envisioning myself being arrested, Ev came down the stairs and started on the kitchen.

“This is futile, Ev. I’m finding nothing except dirty underwear.”

“If it’s here we have to find it, Sherm. Come on. Let’s go check the basement together.” Ev spoke, then held the door open, allowing me the dubious honor of going first.

The Judge and his wife lived in a modest two story home with a door in the kitchen leading down to the basement. As soon as we opened the door and started down the steps, I knew it wasn’t a place they used. The bare wood, uncarpeted staircase signaled an unfinished basement, and at the bottom I heard the distinctive sound of my rubber-soled boot on bare concrete.

I couldn’t find a light switch.

I stumbled into the dark room, feeling along the wall for a switch. Some light came down from the kitchen, but it wasn’t enough, and I experienced that unique kind of straining against nothing that one gets when trying to see in the dark. My hands kept slapping the wall, looking for a way to turn the lights on.

It wasn’t my hands that found something. It was my feet.

My boot kicked something hard, heavy and metallic. With a scraping sound it skidded across the concrete floor. Following the sound, I tiptoed carefully up to it, not wanting to kick it away again, and when my toe barely touched it, I bent over to see if I could identify it.

Hard, pebbled grip. Hard steel. And a warm barrel.

I had found a gun. And one that had recently been fired.


Like it? Follow me on BookBub to get a new release alert when it’s published.

Or check out The Prophet Conspiracy for something to read while you wait.

The Prophet Conspiracy – Audiobook Free Sample

The Prophet Conspiracy:

Buried beneath the streets in the holy city of Jerusalem, American tourist Siobhan McLane discovers an ancient inscription hidden for a thousand years. But the past will not give up its secrets easily. Before translation can even begin, terrorists want her dead and she finds herself framed for murder. With a disgraced former government agent as her only ally, Siobhan will have to confront her own past and discover the truth about the history of the Middle East. Peace in the most volatile region on earth hinges on a thousand-year-old lie, but she’ll need all her knowledge and all her courage to survive and warn the world.

Check out what the critics say:

“A taut and captivating story with religious and political overtones, one that matches a feisty heroine with an ancient secret … Tightly woven and compelling, moving the action forward at a brisk pace … The dialogue here is particularly solid, sounding realistic and still readable … scenes come alive.” — Judge,  5th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published eBook Awards.


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