Forthcoming Thriller set in the Middle East

When I work on books, there’s a moment that I’ve come to recognize. It’s the moment when I discover one plot point that solidifies the whole story. With Life of Secrets, it was, “Don’t kill him, forgive him.” And the rest of the story fell into place. With Sons of Thunder it was, “They’re sisters,” and everything else came right out onto the page after that.

I hit that point this morning with my next thriller. I know what the story is, and I’m ready to start talking about it publicly. It’s a brand new story, with no connection to the Sons of Thunder or Secrets universes.

It’s the story of an American tourist in Israel who volunteers on an archaeological dig and makes a discovery that will change history and alter the balance of power on the world stage. It could tip all of civilization into global war.

The title “Relic of an Ancient Vision” has been kicking around in my head, but I’m not satisfied with it.